Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Precious gem

Thou are my love
like a blooming flower
in my garden of life
years apart we lived not knowing
the beautiful moments in store for us
blessings have showered upon me
like the rippling waters down the mountains
the morning dew is smiling
as the shining sun is next to them
the glee of the moonlight
like a sheath of silk over your lovely face
thou arms so strong like towers of Babylon
protecting me from the evil eyes of the world
Nights are long days are short
in my life there is no more tears
As thou is holding my hand

Always yours !!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Being yourself !!

Whats new about this?? being yourself? we all hear about it since we are born...as we grow up...enter the kindergarten..then elementary ..high school..university..work....marriage ...ah!!! long process of being yourself. Does it work? At what proportion does it work??

Lets start from being a toddler....the messiest time of anyone's life..how could you expect him to be " himself" while he is putting his toy in the washing machine, trying to insert his tiny fingers into the holes of the pin plugs !!

As soon as he enters the kindergarten his whole life topples up from a care free lifestyle ( which obviously he will never enjoy in his life) to a more formal setting. Battling with phonics, drawing, coloring, friends..he builds up his resistance .. if he has the choice to be himself..do you think he would ever continue being in school.

More subjects, languages and expectations builds up as he moves up in his grade from elementary to high school...unit assessment, projects, exams, on top of it being disciplined and following rules....

Getting enrolled into a university changes our lives forever....greater decisions to make... could you be yourself over there??? it is when you start working you see the real dynamics and colors of life....and if you ask him to be himself at his workplace...ain't you asking for more than he could take in ???? Does he have a choice afterall??

When I see the small ones in my school everyday....are we being fair telling them "be yourself?"